Monday, March 8, 2010

Wolves: Part One, by Julia

Perhaps the first post on this blog should explain why it's not a lie that sharks fall asleep (sort of) when they are flipped upside-down. But that is Meghan's responsibility. So I am hereby christening this blog with the first of a series: Lies About Wolves.

Fact #1:
Gray wolves are built to travel and to hunt. A perfect combination of physical attributes--long legs that result in a powerful stride, big feet that ensure traction over difficult terrain, and strong musculature--allows these sturdy animals to reach sprinting speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.

-Daniel J. Coxl,

Crazy, right?! If this simple fact does not impress, surprise, or intrigue you, just don't read this blog. If, however, it just blew your mind.... well, welcome to the pack. (Fact: nerds cannot resist a good pun. Or a bad pun.)

And now, here are some totally sweet wolf pictures I found on Flickr:
1, 2, 3.

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