Saturday, May 29, 2010

HP Awesomeness, by Meghan

I think that one central part of nerdom (or at the very least a subset of nerdom) is a passion for books. Now, nerds don't all love the same type of books; our preferences cross the spectrum from dictionaries to comic books, science fiction to the classics, poetry to textbooks.

Many of us nerds, in my opinion, the best of us nerds though of course I am biased, are the Fantasy nerds. Yes, I am a Fantasy nerd. Not of the highest caliber in general, but in one specific category, I rank pretty high. The Harry Potter nerds.

So, of course, I totally appreciate other Harry Potter nerds. Like the ones who made this wonderfully clever video. Indy Mogul, you are a friend of mine.

Love it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dear Meghan,

Now, brace yourself. Sit down, be sure that you are in a place where high pitched squeals aren't terribly inappropriate. No seriously, take a deep breath. Try to stay calm. Maybe grab a tissue.

Meet the sloths from Amphibian Avenger on Vimeo.

I know Costa Rica is on your list of places to go. Perhaps this video bumped it to the top of the list? Although you've said it before, and it's true now more than ever, you would get absolutely nothing done if you were a worker at this magical facility. And everyone around you would have to wear earplugs.

You're welcome,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sabretooth Tiger, presented by Julia

Sabretooth tigers like to dance. I was reading about it in the National Geographics.
{Breathe Owl Breathe}

BONUS! Behold this awesome video for their song "Own Stunts."

Breathe Owl Breathe - Own Stunts from Magic Central on Vimeo.

I love how funny and serious and sweet this band is. They have stolen my nerdy heart by writing songs about extinct animals, werewolves, ghosts, capes, squirrels.... the list goes on. Oh AND if at some point cute lead singer Micah writes a song about sloths (see previous post) it will be thanks to me and Meghan. ha HA!



Friday, May 14, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mind Blown. by Julia

Clickity. I've seen so many images of the Sistine Chapel, but this is like seeing it for the first time, and the closest I'll get to the real thing for right now.

And clickity here for some art that's more my style. Man, I love the internet. I'm how many miles away from the San Francisco MOMA? But I can still look through its collection! Sigh.... I'm in heaven.

Just stopping by to say...

Hi, Buddy!

Hey, guys, remember Island of the Blue Dolphins?