Monday, April 5, 2010

Wolves: Part 2, by Julia

Today I have not one, not two, but THREE fun facts about wolves. I hope you are learning to love them as I do.

Fact 1:
The gray wolf is the largest member of the canine family. The male's average weight is 100 pounds and his length varies from 5 to 6.5 feet; the female averages 80 to 85 pounds and is 4.5 to 6 feet in length.
- Art Wolfe,

(Um, seriously. If your heart didn't just melt, you might not have one.)

Fact 2:
Newborn gray wolf pups will remain in their protected den for the first two months, after which they are moved to a rendezvous site, where, under the watchful eye of adults assigned to their care, the youngsters have more freedom to explore their surroundings.
-Tim Fitzharris

Fact 3:
Wolves are highly social animals and rarely engage in any activity alone. The pack migrates and hunts together, each member keenly aware of its status within the group. Packs are usually made up of between 7 and 15 individuals, the numbers depending on variable such as available food and the general wolf population within a region.
-Dieter Holl, F1 ONLINE

Were you wondering what the best song about turning into a wolf is? Well do I have a video for you!

(Blitzen Trapper, Furr)